Client Confidentiality Policy
Information Privacy
All employees of Kyogle Family Support Services Neighbourhood Centre Inc. adhere to proper
guidelines for protecting the privacy of your information. It is understood that as part
of your assessment, and referral process, you will share information with a Family Support Worker, this
exchange of information is, of course, for the explicit purpose of assisting you. Where there may be
further uses or actions involving your information
(e.g., referrals, legal proceedings etc), this will always be
discussed with you.
Consent to Share Information
Our ongoing commitment is to provide appropriate services to you and your family. As part of your case management, our Service may need to share your information with other agencies (e.g. legal aid, Housing NSW etc). As we are funded by DCJ we are also required to report statistical data using the Data Exchange for funding purposes only.
Mandatory Reporting
As KFSS Neighbourhood Centre is funded by Department of Communities and Justice (DCJ) we are
obliged to mandatory report if at any time, signs of child abuse or neglect is apparent.
For more information, please contact us.